A chance to help shape our Library Services


The Excelsior Library are asking residents to undertake a quick survey on library services and programs they find useful and enjoy using, as well as services that could be added in the future.

The purpose of the yearly Customer Satisfaction Survey is to seek feedback from the community to help improve the level of service and overall experience for visitors to the Library.

Councillor Sonia Bennetto said the survey is a valuable tool to ensure the Library continues to meet the needs and expectations of local residents and visitors who use its services.

“The Excelsior Library provides some wonderful services to our community and caters to residents of all ages, from the very young right through to seniors.

“By completing the survey, we can all ensure the Library continues to be a great resource for the community,“ Cr Bennetto said.

Other than being a place to loan books, some of the current services provided include Room Hire, Story/Rhyme Time, Messy Play, Book Club, Tech Time, and of course the ever popular School Holiday Program.

Council has chosen to house the survey on the newly launched “Have Your Say’ Portal as a way of introducing the community to this new communication tool.

“As many of us are time poor, the survey is very short and to the point and should take no longer than 5-minutes to complete.

“All residents who use the Library services, whether it be regularly or just on the odd occasion, are welcome and encouraged to provide feedback so that we can get a true feeling of how the Library is doing.

The opportunity to provide feedback will end at close of business on Wednesday, 31 August 2022.

To take the survey online, please visit haveyoursay.charterstowers.qld.gov.au.  Paper copies are also available at the Excelsior Library.