Library Services
Permanent members may borrow the following:
- Up to ten (10) books/audio books for four (4) weeks
- Three (3) DVD's for one (1) week
- Two (2) magazines for one (1) week
Tourist members may borrow up to four (4) items - books and DVD's (note: magazines are not included)
If the library does not have the book or information you are looking for, we can request it for you from Public Library Services, State Library of Queensland. Please ask for assistance at the service desk. Requested items are two (2) week loans only.
Bulk loans of Foreign Language material and Adult Literacy material are also available on request. The library will retain bulk loans for six (6) months and normal borrowing periods apply.
Library Catalogue Online
Browse the library catalogue online.
Internet Access
There are no fees for the use of the internet at the Library. Wi-Fi access is also available free of charge
Printing costs are extra and are in accordance with our Fees and Charges Schedule.
Users under 10 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Home Deliveries
Disabled or housebound residents may have loan material (books/audio books) delivered to their homes by arrangement with the Library Administrator.
School Holiday Activities
Children’s activities are provided during school holidays, please contact the Excelsior Library. Find details on upcoming events.
Library Activities
The Library offers regular activities and special/holiday programs for adults and children alike. For more details see Library Activities.
Group Visits
Day Care, Kindergartens, Schools, Clubs or Groups are encouraged to visit the Library; alternatively the library staff can visit your group. To take advantage of our services please contact library staff to arrange your visit and schedule.
Room Hire
There are two rooms available within the Library to be hired for use by the public. These rooms can comfortably seat 24 people. Both have access to a kitchenette and toilet facilities. Please contact the Library Administrator or the Venues for Hire page for more information.
Online Services
LinkedIn Learning is a web-based video service that provides courses for learning the latest commercial software, creative and business skills. There are courses are for all levels from beginner to advanced.
It allows library members access from library computers or their desktop, mobile and tablet devices at home or on the go. Members need their library card to login to by clicking on the eLearning link and entering their library card number and PIN.