Charters Towers LDMG moved to LEAN FORWARD status

Charters Towers LDMG moved to LEAN FORWARD status at 1:00pm March 26 2025. The situation will continue to be monitored and status reviewed as required.

Community Safety


Asbestos is a type of building material used in the building industry between the 1940s and late 1980s. Before the health risks were known, asbestos products were widely used because they were durable, fire resistant and had good insulation properties. It is difficult to identify asbestos by sight, but as a rule, if your house was built:

  • Before the mid-1980s it is more than likely to contain asbestos materials
  • Between the mid-1980s and 1990, it is likely to contain asbestos materials
  • After the 1990s it is highly unlikely to contain asbestos materials.

Generally, issues relating to asbestos occur primarily during building works involving home and business renovations. Only a licenced contractor should remove or break materials that could possibly contain asbestos fibres unless you are removing less than 10m2.

The Queensland Government’s website and Work Safe Queensland’s website provides a number of resources on the safe management, removal and disposal of asbestos.

If you believe a homeowner, occupant or owner-builder is unsafely handling, removing or transporting asbestos material or a person has illegally dumped asbestos waste, please contact both Council on (07) 4761 5300 and Work Safe Queensland on 13 QGOV (13 7468).

Fire Management

Council's Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011 regulates lighting and maintaining fires in the open. Under the Local Law, it is an offence to light a fire where it:

  • Can reach a height, width or length of more than 2 metres
  • It is not enclosed in a fireplace which prevents the escape of fire or any burning material from the enclosure
  • It is for the purpose of burning the carcass of a beast
  • It is at a sawmill for the purpose of burning sawdust or other residue or resulting from the operation of a sawmill

Failure to comply with the Local Law can result in a Penalty Infringement Notice (fine) from Council.

In addition to the Local Law, the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services prescribed Fire Bans and Restrictions which must be adhered to. Up to date information is available at the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services website.

Mosquito Control/Dengue Fever

Mosquitoes are a fact of living in the wet and dry tropics of Queensland and it is important for residents to be familiar with how to manage mosquitoes around the home and to defend themselves against Dengue Fever and Ross River Fever.

Mosquitoes require only a small quantity of water to breed and during the wet season, dengue mosquito eggs can develop into mature adults within one week. Even a cup full of water can provide adequate water for some mosquitoes to lay their eggs.

There are three main actions you can take around your home or workplace to control the breeding of mosquitoes.

  • Tip It: Regularly inspect potential pooling sites, such as tarps, pot plants, gutters, and buckets, and empty out any accumulated water.
  • Secure It: Ensure that tanks and other storage structures are adequately protected to prevent mosquitoes from accessing and laying eggs where possible.  Monitor ‘open’ locations, and consider applying anti-larval substances.
  • Throw It: Be vigilant by responsibly disposing of rubbish, such as tyres, that could potentially form mosquito habitat.

Overgrown and Unsightly Allotments

Council's Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011 prescribes that it is an offence for an allotment to be overgrown or host objects and materials which seriously affect the visual amenity of the allotment or are likely to attract or harbour reptiles.

Landholders are responsible for keeping their allotments in a neat, clean and tidy condition that is consistent with the Local Law. This will prevent nuisances from vegetation overgrowth and/or visual pollution resulting from unsightly accumulation of objects and materials. Failure to act on these matters can result in a Compliance Notice issued by Council and in some cases, contractors undertaking clean up works at the cost of the landowner.

Overhanging Branches

Overhanging Branches in Queensland are regulated by the Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011 and are not managed by Council. Overhanding branches are a common cause of disagreement between neighbours. Disputes can be about:

  • Branches overhanging your fence
  • Branches or fruit dropping into your yard
  • Roots causing damage to your property
  • Branches blocking sunlight from solar panels or TV reception

There are several things you can do if your neighbour’s tree is affecting you in this way; however, if possible, you should always talk about a solution with your neighbour as a first step. It is always best to keep on good terms with your neighbour and resolve any potential tree issues between you before they get out of hand.

The Queensland Government's website provides a number of resources on overhanging branches and interacting with your neighbour. It is recommended that you peruse this website to best assist you with your dividing fence.

For more information on any of the above material, please contact Council on (07) 4761 5300.