
Council provides approximately 500 kilometres of underground stormwater drainage network throughout the Charters Towers City area, ensuring safe and efficient drainage systems.

To report blockages, failures or other general drainage matters, contact Council on 07 4761 5300.


An easement is a legal right that enables Council to utilise an area of a person's property for a defined purpose, e.g. water supply, sewerage, access or drainage.  The land remains the property of the owner, however, there will be restrictions on what activities can be undertaken on the easement itself.  Particulars of the restrictions are contained in an Easement Document, copies of which may be obtained from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM).

The restrictions usually state that the parcel of land must be kept free and open at all times, meaning that the land which is the subject of the easement, should be readily accessible in the event that maintenance or repairs are required.  

Stormwater On Your Property

Water that is unable to enter the underground drainage system will find its natural way to the nearest watercourse via overflow paths.  These overflow paths are typically roadways, public reserves, pathways and often through private property.

Owner's responsibilities

You must maintain the stormwater pipes, gutters, downpipes, gully pits and any other components of your approved stormwater system on your property and to the kerb, in good condition and in compliance with any Council requirements.

When constructing hardstand areas you must control stormwater in order to prevent it from flowing on to adjacent property such that it causes an actionable nuisance.  It is preferable to minimise the area of water-resistant surfaces such as concrete or paved areas and driveways.