Greenvale Water

Greenvale Water

Weekly updates are provided for the Greenvale community regarding the Greenvale drinking water supply.


    Please be reminded that the Greenvale township and surrounding catchment area remains under an Amber Boil Water Alert.

    This precaution remains in place due to persistently high turbidity levels in the Burdekin River, a common occurrence during the wet season when flow rates are elevated. Water clarity has been improving, decreasing from over 50 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit – the standard measurement for turbidity) in February to the current level of 12 NTU. However, the turbidity must drop and remain consistently below 1 NTU before the Boil Water Alert can be lifted. Council anticipates this will not be achievable until after the wet season, once turbidity levels in the Burdekin River have significantly declined.

    It's important for everyone to boil all water used for drinking or food preparation until further updates are provided.

    For further details, please visit


    Please be reminded that the Greenvale township and surrounding catchment area are currently under an Amber Boil Water Alert.

    This precaution is due to ongoing high turbidity levels in the Burdekin River, exacerbated by recent flooding.

    It's important for everyone to boil all water used for drinking or food preparation until further updates are provided.

    For further details, please visit or contact Jake Stoll, Council’s Manager Water & Wastewater, at 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. Your health and safety remain our utmost concern.


    Greenvale residents are reminded that the township and catchment area remain under an Amber Boil Water Alert due to elevated turbidity levels in the Burdekin River.

    Due to recent flooding, water discolouration may occur, and residents are advised to boil all water intended for drinking or food preparation until further notice.

    For further details, please visit or contact Jake Stoll, Council’s Manager Water & Wastewater, at 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time. Your health and safety remain our utmost concern.


    As per the update on 19 December 2024, residents of Greenvale are reminded that the township and catchment remain under an Amber Boil Water Alert. This precautionary measure is due to elevated turbidity levels detected in the Burdekin River.

    Council continues to monitor the water system closely and is actively exploring medium-term solutions to improve water quality. Residents are advised to boil all water intended for consumption or use in food preparation until further notice.

    For more information, visit or contact Council’s Acting Manager Water & Wastewater, Jake Stoll on 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Your health and safety remain our top priority.


    Council wishes to advise all residents in the Greenvale township and the catchment area to take precautionary measures regarding their drinking water. This advisory is issued in response to elevated turbidity levels affecting the disinfection process of the potable water supply.


    Alert Commencement Date: Friday, 20 December 2024

    Affected Area: Greenvale township and catchment area

    Alert Duration: Until further notice

    The elevated turbidity levels have impacted the disinfection process of the potable water supply, necessitating a precautionary boil water alert to ensure the safety of our residents.

    All residents in the Greenvale township and catchment area are advised to boil tap water used for drinking purposes until further notice.

    Consuming unboiled drinking water could lead to illness, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such as the very young, elderly, or those with weak immune systems. If you believe the water has made you sick, please contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84), your local doctor, or local hospital and inform them of your concerns.

    Residents are advised to use cooled boiled water or bottled water for the following:

    • Drinking

    • Brushing teeth

    • Preparing and cooking foods

    • Washing raw foods such as fruit and vegetables

    • Preparing beverages and making ice

    • Preparing baby formula

    • Sponge-bathing infants

    Unboiled drinking water can be used for:

    • Showering and bathing (other than infants, avoiding water ingestion)

    • Washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher

    • Washing clothes

    • Flushing toilets

    Residents are encouraged to bring drinking water to a rolling boil and then allow it to cool before using or storing it in a clean, closed container for later use. Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable for producing boiled water, and variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.

    Please share this alert with your neighbours and friends to ensure widespread awareness and adherence to the boil water advisory.

    Council is actively monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates. The boil water alert will remain in effect until both Council and Queensland Health are confident there is no longer a public health concern.

    For more information, visit or contact Council’s Acting Manager Water & Wastewater, Jake Stoll on 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Your health and safety remain our top priority.


    Council wishes to advise the Greenvale community that the the “Amber” Boiled Water Alert for water usage and consumption within Greenvale has been lifted, and has now moved to a “Green” Consume Status, meaning water no longer has to be boiled before being consumed.

    Council wishes to advise that the current “Green” status depends on the water’s turbidity. Turbidity describes the cloudiness of water caused by suspended particles such as clay and wilts, chemical precipitates such as manganese and iron, and organic particles such as plant debris and organisms.

    Generally, issues with turbidity are noticed within the Greenvale water supply when the region experiences rain events. With this in mind, CTRC reminds residents that there may be times throughout the year when the “Amber” or “Red” alerts may be required to come back into effect if/when the water results breach and become non-compliant.

    Council would like to reassure all Greenvale residents that thorough protocols and in depth procedures are in place to monitor water quality within the Greenvale region. The health and safety of our residents is the main focus, always.

    Council would like to thank all members of the Greenvale community for their patience and resilience during the time that both “Red” and “Amber” alerts have been in place. Council understands the impact that these alerts have had on the community and is pleased to finally reach a point where no alerts are in place.

    Should alerts need to be reinstated in the future, Council will communicate these to the Greenvale community via various channels. Updates will continue to be provided via this webpage. 


    Council will conduct a main flushing program to aid in the cleaning process for Greenvale water, weekly for the next three weeks, starting tomorrow.

    Flushing will occur in Greenvale on the following days:

    • Wednesday, 4 September 2024
    • Wednesday, 11 September 2024
    • Wednesday, 18 September 2024


    Council apologises for the inconvenience this may cause.


    The Greenvale township and catchment remains under a boil water advisory (Amber Alert) due to ongoing Water Treatment Plant upgrade works to return elevated turbidity levels to safe levels for consumption.  Residents are advised to take precautionary measures regarding their drinking water.  

    The Water Treatment Plant has been undergoing works to reduce the threat further. Filter Media (specific to the process) has arrived and is now ready for the changeout. This process requires careful planning and works given the complexity of the removal and reinstatement whilst still producing a water supply. Council also advises that an elevated flushing program is now in operation with the process expected to continue over the coming weeks to ensure compliance is achieved. This process takes a significant number of processes and verification, which council will ensure occurs to release a quality-controlled water supply.


    Alert Commencement Date: 13 December 2023

    Affected Area: Greenvale township and catchment area

    Alert Duration: Until further notice (potentially removed within the coming 6 weeks should planning, materials supply, testing and approvals be successful undertaken.  Some materials have been delivered however Council is still waiting for the remainder to be arrive.)

    The upgraded Water Treatment Plant is mechanically sound and operable however, the higher turbidity levels are still present therefore the alert must remain in place until this is rectified.  To reduce the turbidity levels to a compliant standard, the filtration media requires replacement and this is in the process of occurring. Following these works being completed, the required testing, sampling, and approvals will be undertaken and processed. The elevated turbidity levels have impacted the disinfection process of the potable water supply, necessitating a precautionary boil water alert to ensure the safety of our residents.

    All residents in the Greenvale township and catchment area are advised to boil tap water used for drinking purposes until Council and Queensland Health are confident that there is no longer a public health concern and will advise if any changes are made to the Alert Level.

    As a result, Council will no longer be issuing bottled water as this process is no longer required.

    Consuming unboiled drinking water could lead to illness, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such as the very young, elderly, or those with weak immune systems. If you believe the water has made you sick, please contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84), your local doctor, or local hospital and inform them of your concerns.


    The Greenvale township and catchment remains under a boil water advisory (Amber Alert) due to ongoing Water Treatment Plant upgrade works to return elevated turbidity levels to safe levels for consumption.  Residents are advised to take precautionary measures regarding their drinking water.  

    The Water Treatment Plant has been undergoing works to reduce the threat further and is awaiting Filter Media (specific to the process) to finalise the Treatment Process and reduce the threat Level to a Potable Water Supply. This process takes a significant number of processes and verification, which council will ensure occurs to release a quality-controlled water supply.

    Current Details are as follows:


    Alert Commencement Date: 13 December 2023

    Affected Area: Greenvale township and catchment area

    Alert Duration: Until further notice (potentially removed within the coming 6 weeks should planning, materials supply, testing and approvals be successful undertaken.  Some materials have been delivered however Council is still waiting for the remainder to be arrive.)

    The upgraded Water Treatment Plant is mechanically sound and operable however, the higher turbidity levels are still present therefore the alert must remain in place until this is rectified.  To reduce the turbidity levels to a compliant standard, the filtration media requires replacement which is currently awaiting delivery to Council.  The team is prepared to act and undertake required works as soon as the filtration media is delivered which will then allow for required testing, sampling and approvals to be undertaken and processed.  Unfortunately the delivery of the filtration media is out of Councils control however the team are well prepared to act as soon as able to.  The elevated turbidity levels have impacted the disinfection process of the potable water supply, necessitating a precautionary boil water alert to ensure the safety of our residents.

    All residents in the Greenvale township and catchment area are advised to boil tap water used for drinking purposes until Council and Queensland Health are confident that there is no longer a public health concern and will advise if any changes are made to the Alert Level.

    As a result, Council will no longer be issuing bottled water as this process is no longer required.

    Consuming unboiled drinking water could lead to illness, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such as the very young, elderly, or those with weak immune systems. If you believe the water has made you sick, please contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84), your local doctor, or local hospital and inform them of your concerns.

    Residents are advised to use cooled boiled water or bottled water for the following:

    • Drinking

    • Brushing teeth

    • Preparing and cooking foods

    • Washing raw foods such as fruit and vegetables

    • Preparing beverages and making ice

    • Preparing baby formula

    • Sponge-bathing infants

    Unboiled drinking water can be used for:

    • Showering and bathing (other than infants, avoiding water ingestion)

    • Washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher

    • Washing clothes

    • Flushing toilets

    Residents are encouraged to bring drinking water to a rolling boil and then allow it to cool before using or storing it in a clean, closed container for later use. Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable for producing boiled water, and variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.

    Please share this alert with your neighbours and friends to ensure widespread awareness and adherence to the boil water advisory.

    Council is actively monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates. The boil water alert will remain in effect until both Council and Queensland Health are confident there is no longer a public health concern.

    For more information, visit or contact Council’s Manager Water & Wastewater, Joe Galea on 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Your health and safety remain our top priority.


    The Greenvale township and catchment remains under a boil water advisory (Amber Alert) due to ongoing Water Treatment Plant upgrade works to return elevated turbidity levels to safe levels for consumption, following the rainfall events earlier in the year.  Residents are advised to take precautionary measures regarding their drinking water.  


    Alert Commencement Date: 13 December 2023

    Affected Area: Greenvale township and catchment area

    Alert Duration: Until further notice (potentially removed within the coming 6-8 weeks should planning, materials supply, testing and approvals be successful undertaken.)

    The upgraded Water Treatment Plant is mechanically sound and operable however, the higher turbidity levels are still present therefore the alert must remain in place until this is rectified.  To reduce the turbidity levels to a compliant standard, the filtration media requires replacement which is currently awaiting delivery to Council.  The team is prepared to act and undertake required works as soon as the filtration media is delivered which will then allow for required testing, sampling and approvals to be undertaken and processed.  Unfortunately the delivery of the filtration media is out of Councils control however the team are well prepared to act as soon as able to.  The elevated turbidity levels have impacted the disinfection process of the potable water supply, necessitating a precautionary boil water alert to ensure the safety of our residents.

    All residents in the Greenvale township and catchment area are advised to boil tap water used for drinking purposes until Council and Queensland Health are confident that there is no longer a public health concern and will advise if any changes are made to the Alert Level.

    As a result, Council will no longer be issuing bottled water as this process is no longer required.

    Consuming unboiled drinking water could lead to illness, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such as the very young, elderly, or those with weak immune systems. If you believe the water has made you sick, please contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84), your local doctor, or local hospital and inform them of your concerns.

    Residents are advised to use cooled boiled water or bottled water for the following:

    • Drinking

    • Brushing teeth

    • Preparing and cooking foods

    • Washing raw foods such as fruit and vegetables

    • Preparing beverages and making ice

    • Preparing baby formula

    • Sponge-bathing infants

    Unboiled drinking water can be used for:

    • Showering and bathing (other than infants, avoiding water ingestion)

    • Washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher

    • Washing clothes

    • Flushing toilets

    Residents are encouraged to bring drinking water to a rolling boil and then allow it to cool before using or storing it in a clean, closed container for later use. Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable for producing boiled water, and variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.

    Please share this alert with your neighbours and friends to ensure widespread awareness and adherence to the boil water advisory.

    Council is actively monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates. The boil water alert will remain in effect until both Council and Queensland Health are confident there is no longer a public health concern.

    For more information, visit or contact Council’s Manager Water & Wastewater, Joe Galea on 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Your health and safety remain our top priority.


    The Greenvale township and catchment is still under a boil water advisory (Amber Alert) due to significant rainfall in the area recently.  Residents are advised to take precautionary measures regarding their drinking water.  This advisory is issued in response to elevated turbidity levels affecting the disinfection process of the potable water supply.


    Alert Commencement Date: 13 December 2023

    Affected Area: Greenvale township and catchment area

    Alert Duration: Until further notice

    The elevated turbidity levels have impacted the disinfection process of the potable water supply, necessitating a precautionary boil water alert to ensure the safety of our residents.

    All residents in the Greenvale township and catchment area are advised to boil tap water used for drinking purposes until Council and Queensland Health are confident that there is no longer a public health concern and will advise if any changes are made to the Alert Level.

    As a result, Council will no longer be issuing bottled water as this process is no longer required.

    Consuming unboiled drinking water could lead to illness, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such as the very young, elderly, or those with weak immune systems. If you believe the water has made you sick, please contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84), your local doctor, or local hospital and inform them of your concerns.

    Residents are advised to use cooled boiled water or bottled water for the following:

    • Drinking

    • Brushing teeth

    • Preparing and cooking foods

    • Washing raw foods such as fruit and vegetables

    • Preparing beverages and making ice

    • Preparing baby formula

    • Sponge-bathing infants

    Unboiled drinking water can be used for:

    • Showering and bathing (other than infants, avoiding water ingestion)

    • Washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher

    • Washing clothes

    • Flushing toilets

    Residents are encouraged to bring drinking water to a rolling boil and then allow it to cool before using or storing it in a clean, closed container for later use. Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable for producing boiled water, and variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.

    Please share this alert with your neighbours and friends to ensure widespread awareness and adherence to the boil water advisory.

    Council is actively monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates. The boil water alert will remain in effect until both Council and Queensland Health are confident there is no longer a public health concern.

    For more information, visit or contact Council’s Manager Water & Wastewater, Joe Galea on 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Your health and safety remain our top priority.

  • The Greenvale township and catchment is still under a boil water advisory (Amber Alert). Council will continue system monitoring and is currently engaged in flushing water mains to ensure the maintenance of water quality throughout the Christmas season.


    Council wishes to advise all residents in the Greenvale township and the catchment area to take precautionary measures regarding their drinking water. This advisory is issued in response to elevated turbidity levels affecting the disinfection process of the potable water supply.


    Alert Commencement Date: 13 December 2023

    Affected Area: Greenvale township and catchment area

    Alert Duration: Until further notice

    The elevated turbidity levels have impacted the disinfection process of the potable water supply, necessitating a precautionary boil water alert to ensure the safety of our residents.

    All residents in the Greenvale township and catchment area are advised to boil tap water used for drinking purposes until Council and Queensland Health are confident that there is no longer a public health concern and will advise if any changes are made to the Alert Level.

    As a result, Council will no longer be issuing bottled water as this process is no longer required.

    Consuming unboiled drinking water could lead to illness, particularly for vulnerable individuals, such as the very young, elderly, or those with weak immune systems. If you believe the water has made you sick, please contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84), your local doctor, or local hospital and inform them of your concerns.

    Residents are advised to use cooled boiled water or bottled water for the following:

    • Drinking

    • Brushing teeth

    • Preparing and cooking foods

    • Washing raw foods such as fruit and vegetables

    • Preparing beverages and making ice

    • Preparing baby formula

    • Sponge-bathing infants

    Unboiled drinking water can be used for:

    • Showering and bathing (other than infants, avoiding water ingestion)

    • Washing dishes by hand or in a dishwasher

    • Washing clothes

    • Flushing toilets

    Residents are encouraged to bring drinking water to a rolling boil and then allow it to cool before using or storing it in a clean, closed container for later use. Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable for producing boiled water, and variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.

    Please share this alert with your neighbours and friends to ensure widespread awareness and adherence to the boil water advisory.

    Council is actively monitoring the situation and will provide regular updates. The boil water alert will remain in effect until both Council and Queensland Health are confident there is no longer a public health concern.

    For more information, visit or contact Council’s Manager Water & Wastewater, Joe Galea on 07 4761 5300.

    We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Your health and safety remain our top priority.


    Greenvale boil water alert map december 2023

  • A public meeting took place in Greenvale on Tuesday, 5 December 2023 with the Mayor, Councillors, CEO and Senior Council staff in attendance. The purpose was to elucidate the actions taken by Council to address issues in an aging system.

    The response from the attendees was positive, as Council comprehensively covered recent events and outlined the progress made in upgrading the existing infrastructure. Council has diligently collaborated with Government Regulators and internal teams to ensure a timely and secure potable water supply.

    Council have committed to keep the Greenvale public informed about ongoing developments and issued alerts. This includes training for Council staff and implementing improvements in SCADA (Remote Access) to facilitate monitoring and control of the system from Charters Towers.

    Furthermore, Council introduced a machine capable of testing and validating disinfection within a potable water supply within a remarkable 17 hours. This significant reduction in response time for network validation was achieved by bringing this process in-house, compared to the previous practice of outsourcing which took days.

  • Join Council at the Greenvale Community Hall at 9am on Tuesday, 5 December for a public meeting. Elected Members and Staff will provide updates on the Greenvale water situation.

    Council and Tropical Urbanism and Design Lab from James Cook University will present the draft Greenvale Masterplan, offering a valuable opportunity for community feedback and participation in shaping Greenvale’s future.

  • The scouring and cleaning of the reticulation system within Greenvale is now complete.

    Council apologies for any inconvenience and would like to thank everyone for their understanding and assistance.

  • Greenvale Treatment Plant upgrades are progressing well with a Mains Flushing Program being initiated over the next 2 days. Flushing of the mains will commence from 10am Tuesday, 21 November 2023 through to approximately Thursday, 23 November 2023.
    This will assist in preparing them for the upgraded process.
    Testing of water quality in the reticulation will occur in tandem with the Flushing of the mains to ensure water quality meets the drinking water standards. 
    Further progress is expected with a public meeting to detail upgrades and processes to be held on 5 December 2023 at 9:00am by Council.

  • The process of commissioning and verifying the upgraded disinfection system in Greenvale is in its final stages, with sample validation scheduled for completion within the next two weeks.
    In the meantime, Council is engaged in a partnership with private contractors to secure the development of a dependable water supply system, ensuring the provision of safe and consistent water to the town.
    Concurrently, Charters Towers Regional Council has been engaged in a collaborative effort with the Water Regulator to strengthen and formulate a comprehensive action plan, with the aim of ensuring that all components of the Greenvale water supply system adhere to the mandated verification and validation procedures.

  • The process of commissioning and confirming the effectiveness of the upgraded disinfection system in Greenvale is still in progress.

    Council is presently collaborating with private contractors to guarantee the creation of a dependable water supply system, which will provide safe and consistent water to the town.

    At the same time, Charters Towers Regional Council has been working in conjunction with the Water Regulator to enhance and formulate an action plan, ensuring that all components of the Greenvale water supply undergo the necessary verification and validation procedures.

  • The ongoing commissioning and verification of the updated disinfection system at Greenvale are continuing.

    Council is actively partnering with private contractors to ensure the establishment of a reliable and functional water supply system that will deliver safe and dependable water to the township.

    Simultaneously, Charters Towers Regional Council has been coordinating with the Water Regulator to update and develop an action plan, ensuring that all systems in the Greenvale water supply undergo verification and validation.

  • The ongoing commissioning and verification of the updated disinfection system at Greenvale are slated to continue in the coming weeks.

    Progress is underway to establish a more resilient system, guaranteeing stability for the region.

    Collaborating with private contractors, the Water Operations Team is diligently working to ensure the implementation of a fitting and operational system that will deliver a secure and dependable water supply to the township.

  • Current Disinfection System at Greenvale has been installed with further commissioning and verifications to continue over the next few weeks.

    These works are progressing with a more robust system being finalised to ensure stability for the region.

    The Water Operations Team have been working with private contractors to ensure the best fit for purpose system is available and operational to produce a safe reliable water supply to the township.

  • Current Disinfection System at Greenvale has been installed with further commissioning and verifications to continue over the next few weeks.

    These works are progressing with a more robust system being finalised to ensure stability for the region.

    The Water Operations Team have been working with private contractors to ensure the best fit for purpose system is available and operational to produce a safe reliable water supply to the township.


  • Current Disinfection System at Greenvale has been installed with further commissioning and verifications to continue over the next few weeks.

    These works are progressing with a more robust system being finalised to ensure stability for the region.

    The Water Operations Team have been working with private contractors to ensure the best fit for purpose system is available and operational to produce a safe reliable water supply to the township.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Due to reduced collection demand for bottled water, consideration is made to change water distribution hours and consultation is currently being undertaken.

    Forward planning for deliveries for September has been completed, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    The appointed contractor has mobilised to start the disinfection system up-grade, with installation expected to be completed within 2 weeks.

    Plans for a new water treatment plant to be installed by Defence contractors next year are continuing.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Due to reduced collection demand for bottled water, consideration is made to change water distribution hours and consultation is currently being undertaken.

    Forward planning for deliveries for September has been completed, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    Council has engaged a contractor to start the disinfection system up-grade and they will be looking to complete an installation proposal.

    • Final System design is completed and approved for installation.
    • Council expects that installation of this new disinfection system to be within approximately 3 weeks.
    • Contractor has confirmed delivery and mobilisation for installation of the new disinfection system

    Plans for a new water treatment plant to be installed by Defence contractors next year are continuing.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Council staff are now manning the Joint Emergency Shed to facilitate bottled water delivery.

    Due to reduced collection demand for bottled water, consideration is made to change water distribution hours and consultation is currently being undertaken.

    Forward planning for deliveries for September has been completed, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    Council has engaged a contractor to start the disinfection system up-grade and they will be looking to complete an installation proposal.

    • Final System design is completed and approved for installation.
    • Council expects that installation of this new disinfection system to be within approximately 4 weeks.
    • Contractor has confirmed delivery and mobilisation for installation of the new disinfection system

    Plans for a new water treatment plant to be installed by Defence contractors next year are continuing.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Council staff are now manning the Joint Emergency Shed to facilitate bottled water delivery.

    Due to reduced collection demand for bottled water, consideration is made to change water distribution hours and consultation is currently being undertaken.

    Forward planning for deliveries for September has been completed, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    A contractor has been engaged to start the system upgrade, with final system design completed and installation proposal commenced.

    Plans for a new water treatment plant to be installed by Defence contractors next year are continuing.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Council staff are now manning the Joint Emergency Shed to facilitate bottled water delivery.

    Due to reduced collection demand for bottled water, consideration is made to change water distribution hours and consultation is currently being undertaken.

    Forward planning for future deliveries is continuing, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    Plans are being made for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Council staff are now manning the Joint Emergency Shed to facilitate bottled water delivery.

    Due to reduced collection demand for bottled water, consideration is made to change water distribution hours and consultation is currently being undertaken.

    Forward planning for future deliveries is continuing, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    Plans are being made for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Forward planning for future deliveries is continuing, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    Plans are being made for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Forward planning for future deliveries is continuing, with supply and demand currently being met and monitoring ongoing,

    Plans are being made for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Forward planning for future deliveries in August and September is occurring.

    Plans are being made for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed next year.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Forward planning for future deliveries in August and September is occurring.

    Plans are being made for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed next year.

  • Per Council’s notice and schedule, delivery of bottled water is continuing.

    Forward planning for future deliveries is ongoing, with delivery dates scheduled for August and September and monitoring of supply and demand continuing.

    Plans are continuing for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Delivery of bottled water is continuing, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.

    Forward planning for future deliveries is ongoing, with monitoring of supply and demand continuing.

    Plans are being made for a treatment system to be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale, with the system able to be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Bottled water distribution continues, with delivery as per the provided Council notice and schedule. 

    Forward planning for scheduled delivery of bottled water supplies continues, with monitoring of supply and demand ongoing.

    A gaseous chlorine treatment system will be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale.  The system can be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Bottled water distribution continues, with delivery as per the provided Council notice and schedule. 

    Forward planning for scheduled delivery of bottled water supplies continues, with monitoring of supply and demand ongoing.

    A gaseous chlorine treatment system will be retrofitted to the water treatment plant in the next few months which will return normal drinking water to Greenvale.  The system can be reused when the new water treatment plant is installed by Defence contractors next year.

  • Bottled water distribution continues, as per the provided Council notice and schedule. 

    Forward planning for scheduled delivery of bottled water supplies for June is in progress.

    Positive discussions are continuing with Defence and their Contractors regarding the bringing forward of a new Water Treatment Plant, with additional planning underway to assist with final decision making.

  • Bottled water distribution continues, as per the provided Council notice and schedule to meet demand, with forward planning for June deliveries completed.

    Discussions are continuing with Defence and their Contractors regarding the bringing forward of a new Water Treatment Plant and Council will be reviewing land options.

    Council has engaged a contractor to start the disinfection system up-grade and anticipates delivery on this disinfection system to be within 6 – 8 weeks.

  • Bottled water distribution continues, as per the provided Council notice and schedule. 

    Forward planning for scheduled delivery of bottled water supplies for May is in progress, with demand steady due to worker camps starting to come online, and a secondary supplier of bottled water engaged to assist with supply.

    Positive discussions are continuing with Defence and their Contractors regarding the bringing forward of a new Water Treatment Plant, with additional planning underway to assist with final decision making.

  • Council staff and an engineering consultant are scheduled to inspect potential sites for a small water treatment plant in the week of 8-12 May, to determine possible options.   An option to supply water at a filling point is also being reviewed.  Further information on this initiative will be provided as it proceeds.

  • Council continues to work with Defence contractors and an engineering consultant on options for installation of a small treatment system.  

    A potential site for a treatment plant is now being assessed, and an option to supply water at a filling point is also being reviewed.  Further information on this initiative will be provided as it proceeds.

    A delivery of packaged water in large bottles is expected on Thursday, 27 April. 

    Council has advised the Greenvale Campdraft & Rodeo Association that they will need to inform all exhibitors, officials, competitors and spectators etc. that they will need to bring their own drinking water for the event.

    No additional bottled water will be provided for the upcoming Campdraft.

  • In addition to discussions with Defence contractors, Council has engaged a consultant to explore options for installation of a small treatment process that may reduce or remove the need for bottled water supply.  Further information on this initiative will be provided as it proceeds.

  • Council continues to liaise with Defence contractors to facilitate ultimate solutions.  Larger 1.5L bottles of water have been arranged for delivery to Greenvale.

  • Council continues to liaise with Defence and their contractors to deliver a long-term solution as soon as possible.

    Arrangements have been made to supply 1.5L bottles, with the delivery of these larger bottles to commence in the coming weeks.  Distribution of the water will remain the same.

    Council staff have been working through issues as they have been identified.  The community is asked to notify Council immediately should any further issues arise.

  • Bottled water distribution continues, as per Council’s notice and schedule.  Arrangements for alternate sourcing of 1.5ltr bottles is close to being finalised.

  • Council has engaged with Defence and Defence contractors for the ASMTI to provide alternative technical solutions to identify ways to accelerate the delivery of a new Water Treatment Plant to the Greenvale Community.  These consultations are progressing positively and may result in delivering a treatment solution to the Township earlier than expected.

    In the interim, Council is also looking to address the requirement to alter the water disinfection process, in light of the changed QLD Health parameters.  This will involve decommissioning of the existing system and the installation of a gaseous chlorination system, at the reservoir within the next 6 months.

    Council is monitoring water quality in consultation with the Regulators and continues to provide bottled water to the community until a suitable alternative is in place.

    Greenvale Water Concept Plan
  • Council continues to provide bottled water and investigate options.  No further actions to report.

  • Bottled water distribution continues, as per the provided Council notice and schedule.   Forward planning for scheduled delivery of bottled water supplies continues, with stocks being monitored carefully due to demand increasing.

  • The extraction of water from the Burdekin River, and the treatment and water reticulation network provided to the Greenvale community is operating as it has since it was transferred to Council in the early 2000s. 

    Since then, Council has been managing the system and complying with water quality standards.

    More recently, Council has entered into discussions with the ASMTI (Australian Singapore Military Training Initiative) to provide new drinking water and wastewater treatment systems for the community. 

    Prior to Christmas 2022, there was a process failure at the Greenvale Water Treatment Plant that caused excess chlorination and increased chlorate levels in the water supply.  

    This was a reportable incident and Council advised the regulator, Queensland Health that it had occurred.

    The water supply was in normal operation a few days after the incident, however due to a change in Queensland Health Water Quality Standards, Queensland Health have since directed Council to notify the community that the water supply is ‘Non-Potable’; that is, not fit for human consumption.

    National Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) have a higher threshold rate for chlorates, and the Greenvale water supply is within those standards, however Queensland Health has determined a more cautious approach and has lower acceptable thresholds.

    Council is currently providing bottled drinking water to the community and will continue to do so until there is a viable alternative potable water supply. 

    While the water is deemed non-potable, it can still be used for other household purposes such as washing and for use for pets and plants, but cannot be consumed, that is, not to be used to drink or to use for cooking purposes.

    The timeframe to implement a robust and appropriate solution will take approximately 12 months, with an estimated cost in the region of $3 – $4 million, to be undertaken in 2 stages:

    • Stage 1 will involve a modified chlorination system which can be installed within 6 months.
    • Stage 2 will involve further works addressing all issues and provide a water source classified as potable, which will take up to another 6 months. 

    Council has completed concept designs and is now undertaking a detailed design and construction program in conjunction with the ASMTI project.

    Council acknowledges that the current arrangements represent a significant impact to the community and ask for patience whilst the delivery of an improved water supply is sourced and installed.  

    Due to the scale and technical issues of the project, Council is not able to address the water supply issues in the short-term but is committed to providing a robust long-term solution for the community.

  • Council continues to provide bottled water and investigate options.  No further actions to report.

  • Council continues to provide bottled water and investigate options.  No further actions to report.

  • Council continues to provide bottled water and investigate options.  No further actions to report.

  • The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Councillors visited Greenvale with the CEO and Council Officers on Friday, 27 January 2023 to update and inform the community about the current situation with the drinking water supply and Council’s action plan to address the problem.

    While the water supply is declared Non-Potable, Council will continue to provide alternative supply via bottled water.  In response to requests from the community, some drinking water will also be provided in containers with taps rather than screw top bottles.

    Council has engaged a consultant to assess the situation, consider alternative methods to improve water quality, and provide estimates of costs and timeframes.  A draft report has been submitted and is under review.

    It is expected that resumption of normal supply by using alternative disinfection systems may take up to six months.  The establishment and commissioning of a treatment plant that will remove the turbidity and other contaminants from the water will take longer.  This is intended to be completed as a preliminary activity in advance of the Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative (ASMTI), and Council will seek reimbursement to cover the costs of the works.

    Council is focused on minimising the disruption to normal activities in Greenvale, and appreciates the patience of the community during this challenging period.