Reporting Breakages or Leaks
For all breakages and leaks please contact Council on 07 4761 5300. For hours issues, please follow the prompts.
Concealed Leak Policy
Property owners are responsible for the installation, repair, maintenance and replacement of all water infrastructure on their property from the Council owned water meter. This includes all reticulation pipes, private fittings and water tanks connected to mains water, etc.
To reduce the likelihood of water passing through the meter, and being consumed from one or more undetected leaks, property owners are encouraged to actively monitor their water usage by taking regular readings of their water meter, at least monthly; and maintain the readings until annual water notices are received and paid. Should a reading indicate an increase in average usage from the last reading, this may indicate that water is leaking.
In an instance when a property owner believes that an excess water bill is due to a proven concealed leak ('concealed', meaning difficult to locate with little or no evidence), the owner may qualify to have the water bill assessed by Council under the defined criteria and parameters of Council’s ‘Concealed Leak Policy’.
In the instance that an application meets the criteria, the owner may qualify for a financial adjustment.
To understand the terms and conditions which qualify, please peruse the Concealed Leak Policy.