About Us

Who We Are and What We Do

This section contains information on Council's history, organisation information, structures and contacts.


Charters Towers Regional Council was formed on 15 March 2008 through the amalgamation of the Charters Towers City Council and the Dalrymple Shire Council.  Located 136km south west of Townsville, North Queensland, the former Charters Towers City precinct was well known for its gold producing history and capability.  Dalrymple Shire was the sprawling grazing and subsequent mining locality surrounding the City of Charters Towers.


Charters Towers Regional Council, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009, is comprised of and governed by a Mayor and six (6) Councillors (known as the Council), all of whom are elected to office by public referendum at four (4) yearly intervals. 

Councillors, as elected representatives have a responsibility to ensure that the Council delivers high quality services in an effective and efficient manner and that its goals are achieved through collaboration with government, industry and community stakeholders and close involvement with its community.

The roles and responsibilities of Councillors forming the Council are clearly defined by S.12 of the Local Government Act 2009.

"12 Responsibilities of councillors

  • A councillor must represent the current and future interests of the residents of the local government area.
  • All councillors of a local government have the same responsibilities, but the mayor has some extra responsibilities.
  • All councillors have the following responsibilities -
  1. ensuring the local government -
    1. discharges its responsibilities under this Act; and
    2. achieves its corporate and community plans; and
    3. complies with all laws that apply to local governments;
  2. providing high quality leadership to the local government and the community;
  3. participating in council meetings, policy development, and decision making, for the benefit of the local government area;
  4. being accountable to the community for the local government's performance."


The day to day management of Council activities and the implementation of Council's decisions in the governance of the region is the responsibility of the Council appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  The CEO is assisted by a management team known as the "Executive Leadership Group". 

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Laws and Regulations

The Charters Towers Regional Council is responsible for ensuring that State and Local Government laws and regulations are observed.  State laws include:

  • Building Act 1975;
  • Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002;
  • Sustainable Planning Act 2009; and
  • Environmental Protection Act 1994.

Local Government laws are known as Local Laws and are laws made by Council for the good and proper governance of the region including laws related to:

  • Administration;
  • Animal Management;
  • Community and Environmental Management;
  • Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads; and
  • Parking.

A full list of Council's adopted Local Laws are via the following link: CTRC Local Laws

Goods and Services

In accordance with its charter for the good and proper rule of its region, Council is responsible for the supply and delivery of goods and services to its region. The goods and services supplied are set out in the 'Our Services' section of the Publication Scheme.

Contact Information

You may contact Council by phone, mail, email or in person.  The contact us section of this website provides all Council's contact information.