Stock Routes

Charters Towers Regional Council has an extensive stock route network which contains water facilities and reserves that can range from dams, windmills, artesian and sub artesian bores. It is Council's responsibility to manage the maintenance and running of these facilities throughout the Council area.

The primary purpose of these facilities is for stock, whether it be for agistment or travel.

Under the Stock Route Management Act 2002 it is an offence to travel, agist stock or take water from one of these facilities without permission from a Government body.

Taking water from a Stock Route Watering Facility without an agreement or without a permit is an offence.  Landowners may apply to Council to take a supply of water from a facility by completing a Stock Route Watering Facility Agreement.  For further information regarding Watering Facilities or to complete a Stock Route Water Facility Agreement, please refer to the Queensland Government website.

For the movement of stock or grazing of stock on a Stock Route, an Application for a Stock Route Travelling Permit or Agistment Permit is required to be completed and submitted to Council at least three days prior to moving stock.  For further information and assistance in completing these forms, please refer to the Queensland Government website.

Before any use of the Stock Route is undertaken, a permit must be issued by Council along and appropriate fees paid.