Council is responsible for ensuring landowner prevention and management of declared pest plants and animals in the Charters Towers Regional Council Local Government Area. This involves implementing Council's Biosecurity Plan, establishing practices to prevent the introduction of new pests, and strategies to eradicate existing pests in small numbers. It also includes taking measures to contain established pests in the Region, liaising with landholders, and enforcing the Biosecurity Act 2014.
For further information on declared plants, including fact sheets, guidelines, and strategies, please visit the Biosecurity Queensland website or contact Council.
Notifying Council about pests
Have you discovered a new weed or a new infestation of an existing weed? If so, please advise Council in writing. This will assist Council in keeping track of new weeds and plants and eradicate/control them as quickly as we can. Landholder submissions are accepted for Invasive Biosecurity Matters.
Reducing weed risks
Prevention and early intervention are the most cost-effective means of dealing with potential, new and emerging weeds in Queensland.
Weed Spotter Network guides aim to increase awareness of new and emerging weeds in Queensland - find more information here