Biosecurity Plan

Invasive plants and animals are recognised as a significant threat to Australia’s biodiversity, agricultural productivity, and public health.  The management of these species is a challenge and requires strong commitment, cooperation and collaboration from all stakeholders.

In Queensland, the Biosecurity Act 2014 (the Act) provides the legal framework for managing the impacts of invasive species, including invasive plants and animals.  The Act mandates that all local governments in Queensland prepare and adopt a Biosecurity Plan that outlines a strategic direction for the management of invasive species within their respective government area.

The management of invasive species is a shared responsibility of land managers, industry, the community, and all levels of government.  While the primary responsibility rests with the land manager, collective action which engages all stakeholders is considered best practice, to allow effective and efficient management practices.

Everyone has a general biosecurity obligation under the Act to address biosecurity risks for the land they own or manage.  As such, are encouraged to develop their own Individual Biosecurity Plans.  For further information, please contact Council’s Land Protection team on 07 4761 5300.

There are many factors that influence the spread of weeds – rainfall, land management techniques such as grazing, cropping and recreational use.  Maintaining optimal land condition plays a large role.  There are many resources available to the public to assist in managing land effectively including long-term carrying capacity reports, forage reports, climate outlooks etc.  Refer to Home | LongPaddock | Queensland Government.

Biosecurity Plan 2025-2029