Call to Action Forum Propels Charters Towers Hospital Advocacy


In a ground-breaking event on Saturday, June 3, community leaders, healthcare professionals, and concerned citizens gathered at the Call to Action Forum in Charters Towers.

The forum, organised by the Charters Towers Regional Council, aimed to mobilise support and discuss the urgent need for a new hospital in the region.

The enthusiastic response and participation of over 130 attendees demonstrated the community's unwavering commitment to improving healthcare services in Charters Towers.  The event brought together a diverse range of stakeholders, including local businesses, government officials, healthcare organisations, and community groups, all united in their desire for a state-of-the-art hospital to be provided in the next 12 to 18 months.

Mayor Frank Beveridge said “The Call to Action Forum provided a platform for individuals to voice their concerns, share personal stories, and highlight the challenges they have faced due to the inadequacy of the existing hospital.  Attendees passionately articulated the pressing need for a larger, more advanced healthcare facility that can cater to the growing population and offer comprehensive medical services”.

Keynote speakers at the event included:

Dr Jean Covey: Gold City Medical Centre

Mr Dale Last: State Member for Burdekin, Representing the Opposition

Mr Tony Mooney: Chair, Townsville Hospital and Health Board

They shed light on the numerous benefits a new hospital would bring to Charters Towers, emphasising the potential for enhanced patient care, reduced waiting times, expanded emergency services, and advanced medical technologies.  The speakers also highlighted the economic impact a new hospital would have on the local community, including job creation and increased investment opportunities.

The call to Action Forum concluded with Council requesting the State Member for Traeger, Mr Robbie Katter MP, sponsor an e-petition so that Charters Towers Regional residents and those further west can have a say directly to the Queensland Government, in support of building a new hospital.  Member for Traeger Mr Robbie Katter MP, was unable to attend the event and provided a statement that was shared at the forum.

“Here is our message loud and clear to the State and Federal Government – we need a new hospital in Charters Towers and we won’t be silenced any longer,” said Mayor Beveridge

For more information about the Call to Action Forum or the Charters Towers Hospital Advocacy, please visit: