Mayor Message - Be Prepared in 2020 - Mayor Liz Schmidt

It’s been almost 12 months since the Monsoonal trough (25 January to 14 February 2019) caused devasting flooding in the North and to the West.
Parts of our region were cut off due to flooded roads which required re-supply of food and essential items to be flown into rural properties and the Hervey Range community.
Our region also experienced an ongoing heatwave, storms which blew over trees, caused structural damage to buildings, power outages and flash flooding.
Recently our region was included in the State of Emergency Declaration due to our severe fire danger rating.
Our region is not immune to natural disasters. Severe storms, flooding, fires and even cyclones pose a real risk. If a category 5 cyclone was to cross the coast and move inland, it’s possible our region may experience a category 3 cyclone.
With storm season upon us, it’s important for all of us to heed the message – ‘Get Ready’ so we are well prepared in the event of a disaster.
There are a few things we can do right now. Secure loose items around your home, clean gutters, prepare a ‘What If’ plan and prepare an emergency kit.
An emergency kit should include:
  • a portable radio
  • a torch
  • spare batteries
  • first aid kit
  • non-perishable food
  • sturdy gloves
  • waterproof bags
  • candles and matches
  • essential medications
  • copies of important documents (insurance details, birth certificates, prescription refills, etc)
  • special food and medication for infants, elderly or disabled family members
  • a portable gas cooker in the event of long-term power outages
To find out more, visit or call Council on 4761 5300.
- Cr Liz Schmidt (Mayor)
Chair, Local Disaster Management Group

OGG 19 December 2019