What’s your What If plan?



Queensland’s current wide-spread bushfires show the importance of planning ahead and being prepared for a disaster.
Households that are well prepared before a natural disaster occurs are more resilient and are able to recover faster.
Charters Towers’ Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Chair and Mayor, Cr Liz Schmidt said now is the time to get ready.
“Our region is not immune to natural disasters. Severe storms, flooding, fires and even cyclones pose a real risk. In the event a severe weather event strikes, we want the region to be well prepared.
“There are a few things everyone can do to get ready – make a plan, pack supplies and make sure your insurance is up-to-date.
“We’ll have information available at the Charters Towers Christmas Fair to help you and your family Get Ready. You can collect a free promotional bag containing information to prepare.
“You can also try out the Virtual Reality headsets which helps you to prepare an Emergency Kit.”
The promotional bags have been made available by funding received through the Queensland Government’s Get Ready Funding Program.
To prepare an emergency plan:
  1.  Research hazards and disaster management arrangements in your community.
  2.  Discuss possible scenarios and responses with your household.
  3.  Record important details on your emergency plan (eg emergency phone numbers, household numbers, details of two meeting places, essential medical information).
  4.  Ensure everyone in your household is prepared (eg prepare emergency kit, review and practice emergency plan, teach children how to call Triple Zero).
To find how you can prepare, visit www.getready.qld.gov.au
During an emergency or disaster situation, residents should visit Council’s Emergency Dashboard www.getready.ctrc.qld.gov.au to access up-to-date weather warnings, emergency news, road conditions and power outage information.
OGG 28 November 2019