Councillor message - Watch Your Waste - Cr Bernie Robertson



Last month Council began a waste management campaign – ‘Watch Your Waste, Mate!’ aimed at promoting responsible waste management. This includes reducing our waste, recycling, upcycling and reporting illegal dumping or littering.
Council supported two initiatives in October to assist the community clean up their homes including the ‘Garage Sale Trail’, to allow others to use things you don’t need any more, and bulk rubbish removal.
Every year Council spends thousands of dollars of ratepayer’s money on managing waste.
As a community, there are things we can all do to reduce waste and reduce the costs associated with waste management:
  • Avoid unnecessary resource consumption.
  • Reduce or re-use waste where you can.
  • Recycle certain items free at the Stubley Street Landfill or through the state-wide 'Containers for Change.'
Start by evaluating what is placed in your wheelie bin. Remove items that can be recycled and only use your bin for general household waste. E-waste, such as old TVs, printers, mobile phones, etc and dangerous goods shouldn’t be placed into your wheelie bin.
Placing dangerous goods in your wheelie bin, including car batteries, ammunition, flares and gas bottles places others at risk. The garbage in the truck may ignite or there may be the possibility of explosions and/or fires at the landfill.
The benefits of proper waste management include a cleaner and healthier environment for our community to enjoy and reduce costs to ratepayers.
For a full list of ‘A to Z of Waste’ and other information on waste management, visit
- Councillor Bernie Robertson

OGG 28 November 2019