Public Notice - Dalrymple Saleyards - Change in Operations - Until Further Notice


Dalrymple Saleyards — Change in Operations — Until Further Notice

Council will abide by the new restrictions established by the Federal Government and in addition modify its operations at the Saleyards as requested by the Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association Ltd.

This is a precautionary measure only.

To abide by the new restrictions the Saleyards canteen will be closed until further notice.

In addition, the below operational changes will be required until further notice:

  • Only agents and buyers on-site at Wednesday sales
  • Agents and buyers will adhere to the social distancing requirements of at least 1.5 metres apart
  • Only one person is permitted in the scale house at any time.
  • Register of attendance at the gate (please bring your own pen)
  • Hand sanitiser will be made available

Council appreciates the community's cooperation during this difficult time.

For more information, or if you have any concerns please call Council on 4761 5300.

Aaron Johansson
Chief Executive Officer

OGG 24 March 2020