Statement from the CEO - LDMG response to Coronavirus


20 March 2020

“The Charters Towers region, like many other communities across our state and nation, have been and will continue to take its direction from Queensland Health in respect to the response to the Pandemic COVID-19.

Charters Towers Local Disaster Management Group is monitoring the situation carefully and is working very closely with the State Disaster Coordination Centre to stay up-to-date with the latest information.

The Local Disaster Management Group has moved to “Alert” status, which means that there is awareness of a hazard that has the potential to affect the local government area.

Regular COVID-19 bulletins will be published on our emergency dashboard

To help stop the spread of the virus, I encourage everyone to heed the advice of the Australian and Queensland Governments and to ensure proper personal hygiene and to avoid any non-essential outdoor gatherings of 500 people or more and indoor gatherings of 100 people or more.

To date, all Queensland cases are either people who have recently returned from overseas or have had close contact with those people.

If you have been overseas and are feeling well, you need to self-quarantine for 14 days from the date you left the overseas country.

If you start to feel unwell and develop any symptoms at all, but especially a fever or shortness of breath, a cough or a respiratory illness, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Call ahead to your GP or emergency department and tell them about your symptoms and your recent travel or close contact, so they can prepare for your visit.

For more information about the Coronavirus please visit Queensland Health’s website

- Aaron Johansson, Chief Executive Officer | Local Disaster Coordinator

OGG 20 March 2020