Stop the spread of mozzies


Residents are being encouraged to help combat the spread of mosquitoes by checking their properties for breeding sites.

The recent rain has sparked an increase in mosquito breeding grounds, especially around private properties.

Although the Wolbachia bacteria was introduced in 2016 to stop the spread of viruses such as Dengue and Zika, it’s not guaranteed protection.

Council’s Chief Executive Officer, Aaron Johansson, said it’s important for residents to help with the management of mosquitoes.

“Mosquitoes are mostly a nuisance, however, they have the potential to carry different diseases such as Ross River or Dengue Fever.

“To reduce the number of mosquito breeding sites, it’s important that residents do their part by checking their homes for breeding areas.

“Mosquitoes can breed in very small amounts of water, so we’re asking the community to check around their homes for anything that holds water and to tip it out,” said Mr Johansson.

To reduce the number of potential mosquito breeding sites around your home:

  • Clean up around your property by tipping out or throwing away any containers such as pot plant bases, tin cans, plastic containers, buckets, tarps, rubbish and tyres.
  • Unblock roof gutters and drains.

OGG 27 February 2020