Councillor message – Invasive Weeds – Cr Bernie Robertson


We have a major problem across our region with the prevalence of weeds also known as Invasive Plants. Many property managers large and small feel the effects of aggressive invasive plants.

Latest to the region is the highly invasive Giant Rats Tail Grass with several isolated infestations now identified.

Giant Rats Tail Grass has 4 main species all of which are capable of infesting pastures, particularly those that are overgrazed and sparse.

High priority species such as Prickly Acacia and Siam weed are well documented for causing issues such as the reduction in carrying capacity, reduction in biodiversity and potentially stock loss.

Identifying Siam weed in our region is a priority for Council. In April last year, Council began the Surveillance Program for Siam weed under the Biosecurity Act 2014. The Program will continue through until June 2021.

The purpose of the Program is to confirm the presence or absence of Siam weed and monitor the effects of measures taken.

The Biosecurity Act 2014 requires everyone to take all reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with invasive plants.

Now is a good time to monitor for any new invasive weeds. Early detection and eradication are the simplest and most cost-effective means of dealing with new weed incursions. By regularly checking
for weeds, you can reduce their impacts and control costs.

Prevention of invasive species onto your property should be incorporated into your property biosecurity plan. This should include steps to take to ensure vehicles and visitors are free from weed seed.

Having a current property biosecurity plan will help you set the expectations for yourself and visitors on how to best deal with the current or potential spread of these invasive species.

- Councillor Bernie Robertson

OGG 19 February 2020