Councillor message - Economic Development and Tourism - Cr Sonia Bennetto


Community consultation sessions have taken place this week for the development of Council’s Economic Development and Innovation (EDI) Strategy.

The purpose of the EDI Strategy is to facilitate ways to develop innovation in the region, support start-ups and small business growth, and identify education opportunities.

The formulation of Council’s EDI Strategy was identified as a priority action in Council’s 2018-2023 Corporate Plan.

We have received a very strong response from the community, with many passionate participants in attendance at each of the three sessions.

This valuable input - from local businesses, service providers, community groups and individuals – is crucial to ensuring that the Region’s priorities are accurately captured and incorporated in Council’s EDI Strategy and reflected in future projects, initiatives and advocacy efforts with government and industries.

Council will now commence community workshops for the development of the Tourism Strategy and Destination Management Plan, which is another key priority action identified in Council’s 2018-2023 Corporate Plan.

Again, community involvement and feedback will be the key to ensuring that both the Tourism Strategy and Destination Management Plan reflect the needs and desires of our Region.

I strongly encourage anyone who is passionate and interested in the future of our local tourism industry to come along to a session and share your views.

Dates and times of the Tourism sessions are as follows:

  • Thursday 6 February 5.30 – 7.30 pm
  • Friday 7 February 7.00 – 9.00 am
  • Saturday 8 February 1.00 – 3.00 pm

Please RSVP to or call Council’s Tourism, Trade and Investment Advisor, Melanie Lavelle-Maloney on 4761 5300 for more information.

It is anticipated that the final Strategies and Plans for both Economic Development and Tourism will be released by mid-2020.
OGG 4 February 2020