Council to address illegal dumping with potential State funding


Charters Towers Regional Council is awaiting a decision from the State Government to fund the clean-up of illegal dump sites around the region. If the funding application is successful, Council will also use the funds to discourage illegal waste disposal.

Mayor Liz Schmidt said illegal dumping costs Council a significant amount to clean up.

“Council is very aware of the various illegal dumping hotspots around the region, including the large one out near Flat Rock. In the past, Council has cleaned these areas up at great expense to the community.

“It’s very disappointing, as it takes funds away from other projects that would benefit the community.

“We’ve applied for funding from the State Government late last year to assist us with clean-up costs and to install deterrents, such as fencing, signage and surveillance,” said the Mayor.

Council released their waste management campaign, themed “Watch Your Waste, Mate!” in October 2019 to encourage the community to help keep our region clean.

The campaign is aimed at promoting and educating the community on responsible waste management including reducing our waste, recycling, upcycling and reporting illegal dumping or littering.

“The benefits of proper waste management include a cleaner and healthier environment for our community to enjoy and reduce costs to ratepayers.

“I want to encourage everyone to get involved and do their part. If you see illegal dumping or littering, report it,” Mayor Schmidt said.

Illegal dumping and littering can be reported to the State Government online, via email or by phoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

It’s important to take notes regarding where, when, details about the person including car registration and if possible, a photo of the offence.

OGG 28 January 2020