Mayor Message - Australia Day 2020 - Mayor Liz Schmidt


On Australia Day we celebrate all things Australian and what we love about this great country. It’s a day to reflect, to celebrate and to acknowledge our history.

In the lead up to Australia Day, we will acknowledge the great work of our residents through the Australia Day Awards Ceremony which will be held at the World Theatre on Friday 24 January at 7pm.

It’s fantastic to see that we have so many great community members nominated this year. I want to invite the community to come and share in the community’s successes.

As part of the ceremony, Australia Day Ambassador Professor Peter Leggat will be our guest speaker. We are excited to have Professor Leggat share his experiences with us.

We are grateful that this event is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.

On the 26th of January, we’ll be holding a pool party again with lots of games, live music and some great Aussie food, including a sausage sizzle. This is a free event for the whole family. It will be at the Kennedy Regiment Memorial Pool from 9am to 12pm.

Australia Day is also a special time to welcome our newest local citizens at our citizenship ceremony. We will be holding our citizenship ceremony at Council’s Administration Centre at 10am on 26 January.

However, you choose to spend your long weekend, have a Happy Australia Day!

- Mayor Liz Schmidt

OGG 23 January 2020