Councillor message - Final RADF round - Cr Graham Lohmann


Do you have an arts related project that you want to bring to fruition? Round 2 of Council’s 2019/2020 Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) has now opened.

The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Charters Towers Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

We’re looking for anyone in our region who wants to be creative and has a great project to share. Even non-art groups are eligible to apply.

The priorities for this round are our history, vibrant townships; and partnerships.

These categories are deliberately broad to give individuals, community groups and organisations the opportunity to apply for funding support for arts projects.

Applications for traditional arts, innovative, inspirational and aspirational projects would be welcome for consideration by the committee.

For instance, murals and mosaic projects, a workshop creating sculptures using barbed wire and recycled materials and drums for the marvellous Towers Taiko drummers have all been recently supported by RADF.

Should you want to discuss an idea or need guidance about a potential project, don’t hesitate to contact Council on 4761 5300 or or in person at City Hall.

Applications and RADF guidelines can be accessed on Council’s website.

Applications for this round close on 3 February 2020 and is the final round for the 2019/2020.

This will also be the final round to be considered by the current committee as the community members term will expire. I want to thank those community members for their time, advice and commitment to building local cultural capacity, cultural innovation and community pride.

If you would like to be considered for the new committee, nominations are open now.

- Cr Graham Lohmann

OGG 9 January 2020