Council asks State: When will flying-fox relocation happen?


Charters Towers Regional Council has released a public plea to the State Government, ahead of the state election next month, asking when will the promised relocation of flying-foxes from Lissner Park to a new dedicated alternative roost happen.

Mayor Frank Beveridge posted a video on Council’s Facebook page today, highlighting the ongoing and devastating issue.

“Well, here we are at what once was Charters Towers’ premier park, Lissner Park,” said Mayor Beveridge.

“As you can see it’s overrun with flying-fox and we haven’t hit peak season yet which is coming up in the next few months.”

Mayor Beveridge goes on to show the newly built alternative roost site, Young’s Block, with not a single flying-fox in sight.

“The Department of Environment and Science, based on science provided by CSIRO, recommended the creation of this site with plans to relocate flying-fox here in April earlier this year.

Charters Towers Regional Council has cooperated every step of the way, but the State Government fell behind on the plan, and Charters Towers residents have been left waiting and sceptical if the issue will ever be resolved.”

Mayor Beveridge asked the State Government, “When will this relocation happen?” and “When will the State Government step up and take full responsibility for flying-fox management?”