Be vigilant: Parvovirus outbreak in Charters Towers Region


Charters Towers Regional Council has urged dog owners to exercise caution amidst a Parvovirus outbreak in the region.

Parvovirus, also known as Parvo, is a highly infectious virus that attacks the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular systems of dogs.

The main source of the virus is the faeces of infected dogs so the virus is easily transmitted via the hair or feet of infected dogs, contaminated shoes, clothes, and other objects such as vehicle tyres.

Charters Towers Regional Council’s Director of Corporate and Community Services Kim Hargreaves said parvo can be fatal without treatment.

“Council wants to help spread the word of the outbreak.

“Puppies and unvaccinated dogs are most at risk,” Ms Hargreaves said.

To help limit the spread of the virus local dog owners are encouraged to:

  • Have their dogs vaccinated using one of our local veterinary clinics.
  • Ensure that property fencing stops dogs wandering outside their yards.
  • Avoid taking dogs to public spaces such as dog parks until such time that their dog is vaccinated.
  • Avoid socialising their dogs with other dogs until such time that their dog is vaccinated.

Ms Hargreaves has urged dog owners to become familiar with the signs and symptoms of Parvovirus.

“They include a sudden onset of bloody diarrhea and unmistakable faeces odour; clear foamy-yellow bile vomit, unwillingness to eat, and weight loss; dehydration leading to increased water intake. lethargy and weakness,” she said.

“Vaccinating your dog is the best way to protect them from getting Parvovirus.

“If your dog begins to show symptoms, contact your vet,” Ms Hargreaves said.