Big step for Big Rocks Weir


Charters Towers Regional Council has welcomed the announcement by Queensland’s Coordinator-General to declare Big Rocks Weir a coordinated project.

Photo of what Big Rocks Weir could look like

A digital impression of what Big Rocks Weir could look like once constructed.

The declaration, released publicly on Tuesday, means the important water infrastructure project is one step closer to being built.

Mayor Frank Beveridge said Council has been advocating for Big Rocks Weir to both State and Federal governments for many years.

“There’s a big future in Big Rocks Weir,” he said.

“Water is essential to ensuring the Charters Towers Region can thrive well into the future.

“Big Rocks Weir will not only improve water supply to Charters Towers but also open up economic opportunities like high-value agriculture.

“This is a vital piece of water infrastructure for the Region and wider North Queensland area,” Mayor Beveridge said.

Once built the project is expected to deliver an additional $35 million in agricultural revenue to the Charters Towers Region and more than $26 million in economic benefits to the State and Federal economies.

“The project will more than double the water storage capacity for the Region and create hundreds of jobs,” Mayor Beveridge said.

“During construction, it’s estimated it will create more than 170 jobs and more than 110 after being built.

“It will boost water security, job security, and regional security for the Charters Towers Region.

“Council will hold meetings with agricultural stakeholder groups in the coming months to discuss opportunities around the project,” he said.

The Coordinator-General will now prepare draft terms of reference for an environmental impact statement which will be released to the public for comment.

For more information on Big Rocks Weir go to