Council adopts new Corporate Plan for Charters Towers Region


Charters Towers Regional Council has adopted its new five-year Corporate Plan.

Councillors unanimously adopted the document at last week’s General Meeting of Council.

The Corporate Plan is a five-year strategic road map for Council and the Region.

It identifies projects, operations, and services which Council will aim to implement during the life of the Corporate Plan.

Mayor Frank Beveridge said the plan translates the community’s vision into actionable programs for Council to deliver.

“We consulted extensively with the community to understand what is expected and have worked to balance that with what is achievable,” Mayor Beveridge said.

“Late last year we conducted online workshops, community surveys, and feedback sessions and we had excellent engagement from the community.

“The Corporate Plan will now be used to help us develop the upcoming budget and operational plan,” Mayor Beveridge said.

At last week’s General Meeting Council also adopted its new vision and mission statements.

“Our shared vision is about being prosperous, innovative, and forward-looking while also celebrating our cultural past,” Mayor Beveridge said.

“Our mission is about listening to, empowering, uplifting, and benefiting the Charters Towers Region with high-quality service, infrastructure, and policy.

“Like the Corporate Plan, the vision and mission statements were shaped from community consultation and feedback,” Mayor Beveridge said.

The Charters Towers Corporate Plan 2021-2025, Vision Statement, and Mission Statement are available on Council’s website.

Hardcopies of the Corporate Plan are available at the Excelsior Library and Council’s Administration Centre in Charters Towers.