Transport & Main Roads

Charters Towers Jurisdiction Areas

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is responsible for State controlled roads within the Charters Towers Region.

Through negotiation with TMR, Council is responsible for the maintenance of the State controlled roads within the Charters Towers region under a Road Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC).

These roads are: 

  • Gregory Developmental Road
    • "The Lynd" (North from Charters Towers to Greenvale)
    • "Clermont Highway" (South from Charters Towers to Clermont)
  • Flinders Highway
    • East from Charters Towers to Townsville
    • West from Charters Towers to Balfes Creek, Homestead and Pentland)

In accordance with the contractual agreement, Council carries out works such as road drainage, road furniture and vegetation maintenance on these roads.

Council also tenders for minor works and capital works projects on declared roads by way of open tender and agreed price performance contracts.

State Controlled Roads

The map products provided by Department of Transport and Main Roads via the link below are produced and maintained by the Corporate Mapping Unit of Geospatial Technologies within Geospatial, Road Design and Capability Branch.

The maps enable users to identify relationships between roads, railways, local government areas, towns, cities and the department's engineering and administrative regions.

Council is not responsible for, and gives no guarantee concerning, the contents of any linked website or any link contained in any linked website.

Administrative boundary map

Transport & Main Roads – General Information

Requests or complaints pertaining to State controlled roads outside of Council's regional boundaries are the responsibility of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.

Emergency situations such as traffic incidents, oil spills, chemical spills, landslides and large obstructions can be advised to Council by phoning 07 4761 5300.

Alternatively, contact can be made with the TMR Townsville Traffic Management Centre on 13 19 40.