Mayor's Message – ANZAC Day 2021 – Cr Frank Beveridge


The Charters Towers Region has a long and proud military history.

Thousands of men and women from our Region have served in several major conflicts, including the Boer War and both World Wars.

During World War I, soldiers from Charters Towers served in battles at Gallipoli, The Desert, and the Western Front.

Quinn’s Post, the scene of one of the most dramatic events in the Gallipoli campaign, was named after Charters Towers born soldier Major Hugh Quinn.

Meanwhile, during World War II Charters Towers served as an important strategic airbase for the US 3rd Bombardment Group.

Bunkers, airfields, and reminders of the war can still be found in the Region today.

The sacrifices of those men and women are not lost on locals.

With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions we can once again come together and pay our respects at dawn services, marches, and ceremonies for our soldiers past and present.

Anzac Day commemoration services will be held in Homestead, Charters Towers, Greenvale, Hervey Range, Pentland, Ravenswood, and Sellheim.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions last year Australian’s were encouraged to ‘Light Up The Dawn’ by standing at the end of their driveway or in their lounge room at 6 am and observe a minute’s silence.

Australian’s can again choose to do this, as well as listening or watching the broadcast of the Australian War Memorial’s Anzac Day commemorative service.

The brave men and women who fought and continue to fight for Australia have left a legacy.

No matter how we choose to commemorate our soldiers we will continue to honour their sacrifices every year.

Lest we forget.

- Councillor Frank Beveridge | Mayor


For details of the services taking place across our Region, visit