Council supports next step for Big Rocks Weir


Charters Towers Regional Council has welcomed the Coordinator-General’s release of the draft terms of reference for the Big Rock Weir’s environmental impact statement (EIS).

The Queensland Government announced the 10,000 megalitre water project’s draft terms of reference is open for public comment from today.

Mayor Frank Beveridge said this is another meaningful step towards the construction of Big Rocks Weir.

“Council has and will continue to advocate for the construction of Big Rocks Weir,” he said.

“During construction it will create more than 170 full-time jobs.

“Once built it will increase water supply for high-value agriculture and ensure water security for Charters Towers.

“This project will support ongoing jobs growth and water security,” Mayor Beveridge said.

The draft terms of reference set out the matters Council must address when preparing the EIS.

“I encourage residents to look over the draft document and provide any feedback they may have,” Mayor Beveridge said.

More information on Big Rocks Weir and a link to the draft terms of reference are available