Tourism attraction opens on Towers Hill


A two-and-a-half-metre high yellow steel frame has been installed on Towers Hill to help capture picture-perfect photos of Charters Towers.

The frame is part of Charters Towers Regional Council’s push to grow the Region’s tourism industry.

Residents and visitors are encouraged to share photos of the frame and use the hashtag ‘unearth our secrets’ to help spread awareness of the Region.

Councillor Julie Mathews, whose portfolio includes tourism, said this is one of the initiatives borne from the Destination Management Plan.

“Locals told us they wanted to see Towers Hill utilised more to help sell the Region to holidaymakers,” she said.

“This frame is a unique way to encourage people to share photos of Charters Towers with their friends and family.

“This will help to spread awareness and hopefully get people to consider coming to the Charters Towers Region for their next holiday,” Cr Mathews said.

Council had to modify the layout of the seating on Towers Hill to fit in the new frame.

“We had to relocate a table and bench seats so we could get the frame in the ideal location,” Cr Matthews said.

The installation of the frame comes after the release of the Towers Hill Master Plan.

Mayor Frank Beveridge said he hopes this will be the first of a few improvements to the Towers Hill area.

“We recently released the plan after consulting with the community about what they would like to see there,” he said.

“It lays out very clearly what Council and residents would like to see to improve the user experience.

“We will use this document to make the case to state and federal governments for grants to fund some of these projects,” Mayor Beveridge said.

The 700-kilogram frame was built by Council, painted by a local contractor, and was installed using a crane.